Thursday, February 10, 2011

SOTU Project

tragedy: It always seems to take a tragedy to bring us together as a whole.
dreams: We dream for so much change for our people.
moments: Each moment that passes is another moment where someone needs change to occur.
tomorrow: Each tomorrow holds so much hope for us all.
expect: The people of our country expect so much out of our government, things that our government really don’t have control over.
vote: We as he people vote in our government officials yet we feel like they are not doing enough for us.
democrats: The democrats and the republicans fight and argue so much about topics that seem like nothing to everyday people and the world to them.
republicans: The republicans are arguing with the democrats over house rule right now and if you asked any person off the street, they wouldn’t even know why it is important.
politics: Politics seems like such a strategic game to our officials.
elections: It took our people to elect each one of those officials in office.
jobs: Right now, so many people are fighting to find a job.
work: For so many people, it seems nearly impossible to find work.
unemployment: Our country has found itself with too much unemployment.
progress: According to statistics, our country is suppose to be out of the recession, yet we still find fellow americans desperate for any type of work.
recession: Our country feels like it’s been in one of our top recessions for such a long time.
success: People are fighting for success in everything.
taxes: Taxes have always been a big part of our country’s history.
benefits: What benefits do our people get now with so many problems?
pride: We live in a country that is full of pride.
revolution: During these times, we experience revolutions everyday
education: Education is an extremely important topic. Our students today do not take it as seriously as they should.
prosperous: The new technology that is out today is making people prosperous.
research: New research and new technologies is expanding our people.
idea: Our people are full of bright, new ideas. We experience new ideas every single day.
destiny: Starting from the beginning of our country, our people have always believed that our country had an amazing destiny.
question: In order to expand, we need to be able to ask questions and spark answers to those questions.
change: Our country is desperate for change.
reform: We are trying to reform in every way possible.
reinvent: Our people are constantly reinventing themselves.
fuel: Fuel has always been a source of where our money seems to go.
market: Our market has been messy lately, but Obama is planning on fixing it.
clean energy: The country needs clean energy, clean air and water, in order to healthy and functioning.
homework: Our children do need to be doing their homework in order to get the education that they need.
hard work: Hard work is what gets things done.
discipline: Our children need discipline to really accomplish things.
high performance: The higher the performance, the better job that is done.
race to the top: This is the new law that will replace no child left behind. It will hopefully encourage schools to do better.
standards: Everywhere we go, there are always standards. When will people realize that standards are for the bare minimum?
good schools: Good schools will give our youth a better chance to succeed.
compete: Competition is what stimulates our economy.
revitalize: We need our schools and economy revitalized.
deport: Deportation is a major issue with our country and the people who visit and try to make here their home.
rebuild: We need to rebuild our economy.
efficient: In order to actually see a change, we need to be efficient.
digital age: Obama talks a lot about how this is the digital age.
simplify: Why must we make things so complicated? It doesn’t help anyone when people are confused. Simplicity will help us the most.
exports: Our people need to keep our jobs here and be able to supply for other countries.
create: What our country needs is to create new jobs for our people.
laws: These new laws are meant to help our people rather than to help big businesses get more money.
health care: Our health care situation has been so complicated. No one can seem to agree on anything. Obama says he is open to suggestion and to help our people get the health care that they deserve.

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